Word of mouth references
To improve our communication and to get more of each other
Ons huwelik te versterk en bou aan ons saam wees
Ons nog nooit so iets of enige ander opleiding saam gedoen het nie (behalwe EE3)
Gemaklike ontspanne atmosfeer en toepaslikheid van inhoud
Rustigheid wat dit in jouself geskep het
Everything’s practical and do-able! BEST presenters in the wold!
I can identify with and see myself in all the examples. Very practical.
For me, difficult to remember childhood experiences
NOTHING – Really impressive!
May be to hand the study material before the cource starts
The couple presenters make one feel to open up.
They are very accommodating and professional
Hulle bied dit baie, baie goed aan.
Dis alles verstaanbaar
My sister is married to the son of the presenters
By ons kinders
Well presented!
Open, sharing personel life, understanding, Great!
Hulle bied dit baie rustig en goed aan. Almal is ontspanne
OMW WOW! Amaizing open and beatiful couple! Wish to follow in their footsteps.
Make us feel comfortable & relazed.
Keep things humourous and fun which help to identify with scenarios.
Thanks for adding value to our lives and relations
Support staff
Catering & food were excellent.
Food – Yummee!
Baie dankie
Very supportive.
Tea / refreshments and meals really excellent.