Imago Africa day conference

To all our Imago Africa members

We are delighted to formally announce that an Imago Africa day conference will be taking place in Cape Town on Saturday 28th September 2013, just before the day training by Dan Siegel on the 29th September.

Your IA Exec is hard at work and has already secured a venue in Cape Town and are constantly liaising with FAMSA to make the event a memorable one. Currently we are putting together ideas for the Imago day conference and are trusting that we will draw a good size audience to the event. We are hoping to attract many different kinds of audiences namely mental health workers, Imago therapists, educators, trainees, PF’s, business people, social workers, and a large contingent of folk working in the field of Mindfulness. This conference is an ideal way to profile Imago to a large body of professional people and we in the Exec are super excited about the opportunity for Imago to make it’s mark. We are also privileged to be associated with Dan Siegel, academic giant that he is.

And now the crunch… an event of this size requires money. Our diligent Treasurer Grete Becker has been studying the IA bank account carefully and has done her sums and has indicated that our IA bank account could be boosted considerably if more (?all) all members were up to date with IRI membership fees. So my entreaty to you is that by making payment forthwith you are contributing towards securing a successful event for IA. Any offers of assistance, both practically and logistically will be most welcome and you are free to make a donation towards the event if you feel moved to do so!

For this event we would ask you to dig deep. We would love to have as many Imago practitioners as possible at this event and at Dan Siegel’s training. If you are unable to attend personally please spread the word far and wide. We are due to send out a “Save the Date” flyer which you can use to forward to those who may be interested.

So community IA lets pull together so we can fly together and “show off” the incredible wisdom, talent and diversity of our IA community.

Workshop Presenters

Currently IA is not registered as an accredited CPD service provider.

It is our intention and desire to put an application in for such. In so doing and with a successful application, this would mean that trainee’s workshop attendees would be able to secure CEU points for attending workshops and/or training.

If you would like to be able to offer CEU’s for your workshops, then please reply to us with the following information:

Your HPCSA registration number and category
An updated CV

Please reply soonest and indicate if you would like to be a registered facilitator for Imago Africa.

It would be great to really get the ball rolling on this, especially with IA Dan Siegel’s conferences coming up in September.

Secondly, we are almost ready to launch our online ordering process for workshop manuals via the IA website. More information to follow in this.

Lastly, thanks very much for the payment of royalties to IA thus far. IA relies on the money to put towards advertising, website maintenance and hopefully soon towards the employment of a more permanent administrative person.
Please keep sending in your figures to Grete on a regular basis.

With warm regards
Michele Naude

Save the Date!

Johannesburg Chapter
For details on Training and Workshops in Johannesburg, or to share new ideas, challenging case studies or just connect with your fellow Imago Colleagues, please contact:
Marlene Flett or 082 290 7408
Kobus van der Merwe or 082 331 4704

Bloemfontein Chapter
For details on Training and Workshops in the Free State, or to share new ideas, challenging case studies or just connect with your fellow Imago Colleagues, please contact:
David Mills or 079 699 0633

Durban Chapter
For details on Training and Workshops in Durban, or to share new ideas, challenging case studies or just connect with your fellow Imago Colleagues, please contact:
Carol Dixon or 082 463 1467
Michele Naude or 083 228 7786

Cape Town Chapter
For details on Training and Workshops in Cape Town, or to share new ideas, challenging case studies or just connect with your fellow Imago Colleagues, please contact:
Grete Becker or 083-259-8082
Wendy Lawson or 083 387 1502

Namibia Chapter
For details in Training and Workshops in Namibia, or to share new ideas, challenging case studies or just connect with your fellow Imago Colleagues, please contact:
Hilze Straus or (0264) 61 248187

eMalahleni (Witbank) Chapter
For details on Training and Workshops in Witbank, or to share new ideas, challenging case studies or just connect with your fellow Imago Colleagues, please contact:
Betsie Koen or 082 334 4449

Copyright © 2013 Ati2ud Communications cc, All rights reserved.
You are an Imago Clinical Therapist, Educator or Professional Facilitator.
Our mailing address is:
Ati2ud Communications cc
PO Box 1941
Johannesburg, Gauteng 2062
South Africa

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